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accept(T) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ThrowingConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
add(List<DataRange>) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation.Builder
add(DataRange...) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation.Builder
addRange(long, long) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation.Builder
addTracelet(String, Consumer<Trace.TraceletBuilder>) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Add a tracelet to the trace.
addTracelet(Trace.Tracelet) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
use addTracelet(type, callback)
addType(String) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Add a type to this trace (for example: "file").
ArgChecks - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util
A collection of methods for defensively checking arguments passed to methods.
argNotAllNull(String, Object...) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that not all values with given name are null, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the string with given name is not null or empty, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotEmpty(String, Collection<T>) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the collection value with given name is not empty, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotEmpty(String, T[]) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the array value with given name is not empty, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotNegative(String, float) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the float with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotNegative(String, int) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the int with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotNegative(String, long) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the long with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception.
argNotNull(String, T) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the value with given name is not null, otherwise throw an exception.
argsIsType(String, List<T>, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util.ArgChecks
Check that the value with given name is of type type, otherwise throw an exception.
asBinary() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Returns the binary representation of the Vector.
asVector(byte[]) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Creates a vector from a binary representation.
author() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the author of this plugin.
author(Author) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the author.
Author - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
An author of a certain extraction plugin.
Author.Builder - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A builder for an author.


BaseExtractionPlugin - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
This the base class for types of Extraction Plugins, and cannot be used solely as a superclass for a plugin.
BatchSearchResult - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A BatchSearchResult is a SearchResult implementation that stores all found traces using a single setTraces call.
BatchSearchResult(long) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.BatchSearchResult
build() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author.Builder
Create the author from the properties set on this builder.
build() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Create the plugin information from the properties set on this builder.
build() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources.Builder
build() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation.Builder
builder() - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author
Start creating a new author.
builder() - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources
builder() - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation
Builder() - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author.Builder
Builder() - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation.Builder
builderFor(BaseExtractionPlugin) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Start creating new plugin information for the given plugin.
builderFor(PluginType) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Start creating new plugin information for a plugin of given type.


category() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginId


data() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.DataContext
A data sequence belonging to the trace currently being extracted.
DataContext - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
The data context contains information about a data stream of a trace that is currently being processed by an ExtractionPlugin or DeferredExtractionPlugin.
DataRange - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations
A DataRange describes a range of bytes with an offset and length.
DataRange(long, long) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.DataRange
Creates a DataRange which describes a range of bytes.
DataTransformation - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations
A data transformation that the Extraction Plugin can write to a Trace using Trace.setData(String, DataTransformation...).
dataType() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.DataContext
The type of data (see that is being processed.
DataWriter - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Writes data to an OutputStream.
DEFERRED_EXTRACTION_PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginType
DeferredExtractionPlugin - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Deferred extraction plugins can be used by Hansken to process traces during the extraction process.
deferredIterations() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the number of extraction iterations before the deferred plugin can be applied on traces.
deferredIterations(int) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the number of extraction iterations needed for this deferred plugin.
description() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get a human readable description of this plugin.
description(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the description.
domain() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginId


email() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author
Get the email address of the author.
email(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author.Builder
Set the email.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
equals(Object) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
EXTRACTION_PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginType
ExtractionPlugin - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Extraction plugins can be used by Hansken to process traces during the extraction process.


fullName() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the full name of this plugin, based on the id.


get(String) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.ImmutableTrace
Get the value of the property with given name on this trace.
getArgument() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TransformerArgument
Retrieves the Transformer argument as an Object.
getData(String) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.SearchTrace
Returns a RandomAccessData for a specific trace data type.
getDataTypes() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.SearchTrace
Returns all available data types for this search trace.
getLength() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.DataRange
getMethodName() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TransformerLabel
Retrieves the method name of the transformer.
getName() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.Tracelet
getName() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.TraceletProperty
getOffset() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.DataRange
getParameters() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TransformerLabel
Retrieves the parameters of the transformer method as a name, type mapping.
getRanges() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation
getReturnType() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TransformerLabel
Retrieves the return type of the transformer method.
getTotalHits() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.BatchSearchResult
getTotalHits() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.SearchResult
Returns the total number of traces matching the query.
getTraces() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.BatchSearchResult
getTraces() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.SearchResult
Returns all found traces.
getValue() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.Tracelet
getValue() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.TraceletProperty


hashCode() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
hashCode() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
hqlMatcher() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the hqlMatcher of this plugin in string format.
hqlMatcher(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the hqlMatcher query in string format.


id() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the the unique id of this plugin, consisting of domain, category and name.
id(String, String, String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the unique id of this plugin, consisting of domain, category and name.
id(PluginId) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the unique id of this plugin, consisting of domain, category and name.
IMAGE - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TraceSearcher.SearchScope
Searches will be limited to the traces in the same image that is being extracted.
ImmutableTrace - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A trace contains information about processed data.


latitude() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
The north-south position of a point on earth.
LatLong - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A geographical location consisting of a latitude and a longitude.
LatLong(double, double) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
license() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the name of the license of this plugin.
license(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the name of the license of this plugin.
longitude() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
The east-west position of a point on earth.


maturityLevel() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the maturity level of this plugin.
maturityLevel(MaturityLevel) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
MaturityLevel - Enum in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Indicates what stage of maturity a certain extraction plugin is in.
maximumCpu() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources
maximumCpu(float) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources.Builder
maximumMemory() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources
maximumMemory(int) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources.Builder
maximumWorkers() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources
maximumWorkers(int) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginResources.Builder
META_EXTRACTION_PLUGIN - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginType
MetaExtractionPlugin - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Meta extraction plugins can be used by Hansken to process traces during the extraction process.
MetaExtractionPlugin() - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MetaExtractionPlugin


name() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author
Get the name of the author.
name() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginId
name() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Use instead.
name(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author.Builder
Set the name.
name(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
newChild(String, ThrowingConsumer<Trace, IOException>) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Create and store new child trace of this trace.


of(double, double) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
Create a new geographical point with given latitude and longitude.
of(float...) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Creates a Vector from an array of floating point values.
of(Collection<Float>) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Creates a Vector from a collection of numbers.
ofBase64(String) - Static method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Creates a Vector from a base64 encoded string.
org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api - package org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
This is the API of the Extraction Plugins SDK.
org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations - package org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations
This package contains the Data Transformations.
org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util - package org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util
This package provides util classes for the Extraction Plugin SDK API.
organisation() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author
Get the name of the organisation the author belongs to.
organisation(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Author.Builder
Set the organisation.


PluginId - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Identifier of a plugin, consisting of domain, category and name.
PluginId(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginId
Create a unique identifier for a plugin, consisting of domain, category and name.
pluginInfo() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.BaseExtractionPlugin
Get the information of this plugin, such as the author or a description, and the types of traces and data it matches on.
PluginInfo - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Information about an extraction plugin, such as the author or a human-readable description.
PluginInfo.Builder - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A builder for plugin information.
PluginResources - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
PluginResources contains information about how many resources will be used for a plugin.
PluginResources.Builder - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Builder for PluginResources.
pluginType() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the type of this plugin.
PluginType - Enum in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
The type of plugin, which describes its function.
pluginVersion() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the version of this plugin.
pluginVersion(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
position() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Get the position in the sequence.
process(Trace) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MetaExtractionPlugin
Start processing a trace without any of its associated data streams.
process(Trace, DataContext) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.ExtractionPlugin
Start processing a trace with a given data context.
process(Trace, DataContext) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MetaExtractionPlugin
process(Trace, DataContext, TraceSearcher) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.DeferredExtractionPlugin
Start processing a trace.
PRODUCTION_READY - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MaturityLevel
The plugin is ready to be used in a production environment.
PROJECT - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TraceSearcher.SearchScope
Searches will be limited to the traces in the same project that is being extracted.
PROOF_OF_CONCEPT - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MaturityLevel
The plugin is in a proof of concept phase, not yet ready for test or production.
properties() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.ImmutableTrace
Return the names of all the properties contained in this trace.


RandomAccessData - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A random access readable byte sequence.
RangedDataTransformation - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations
A RangedDataTransformation describes a data transformation consisting of a list of DataRanges.
RangedDataTransformation(List<DataRange>) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation
Create a new RangedDataTransformation given a list of DataRanges.
RangedDataTransformation(DataRange...) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation
Create a new RangedDataTransformation given one or more DataRanges.
RangedDataTransformation.Builder - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations
Builder for creating RangedDataTransformation using a syntax that is sometimes shorter than using constructors.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Read bytes into the given buffer, starting at position 0 in the buffer.
read(byte[], int) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Read bytes into the given buffer, starting at position 0 in the buffer.
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Read data into the given buffer, starting at position offset in the buffer.
readNBytes(int) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Read from the data sequence, returning the read bytes as an array.The data will be read from the current position and the amount of bytes read will equal count, unless the sequence contains fewer remaining bytes.
READY_FOR_TEST - Enum constant in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MaturityLevel
The plugin can be used in a test environment and is expected to be fully functional.
remaining() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Get the number of remaining bytes in this data sequence.
resources() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the resources of this plugin.
resources(PluginResources) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the resources of this plugin (optional).


search(String, int) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TraceSearcher
Searches in Hansken for Traces matching provided query, scoped to the image under extraction.
search(String, int, TraceSearcher.SearchScope) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TraceSearcher
Searches in Hansken for Traces matching provided query.
SearchResult - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A SearchResult represents the result of a, int).
SearchTrace - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A trace contains information about processed data.
seek(long) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Move to the given absolute position in the data sequence.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Set a property on this trace with a given value.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.TraceletBuilder
Set a property on this tracelet with a given value.
setData(String, InputStream) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Add a data stream of a given type to this Trace (for example, 'raw' or 'html').
setData(String, List<DataTransformation>) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Set a series of data transformations for a specific dataType.
setData(String, DataWriter) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Add a data stream of a given type to this Trace (for example, 'raw' or 'html').
setData(String, DataTransformation...) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace
Set a series of data transformations for a specific dataType.
setLength(long) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.DataRange
setOffset(long) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.DataRange
setRanges(List<DataRange>) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.transformations.RangedDataTransformation
setTraces(SearchTrace[]) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.BatchSearchResult
Sets all traces that can be returned by calling getTraces.
size() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.RandomAccessData
Get the number of bytes contained in this data sequence.
size() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Returns the number of dimensions of the vector.


ThrowingConsumer<T,E extends Throwable> - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.util
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
toBase64() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Returns a base64 encoded string of the Vector.
toISO6709() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
Format to String using ISO 6709.
toString() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.LatLong
toString() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginId
toString() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Trace - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
A trace contains information about processed data.
Trace.Tracelet - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
a Tracelet represents tracedata that can be present multiple times within a trace.
Trace.TraceletBuilder - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Trace.TraceletProperty - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
a TraceletProperty is a property of a Tracelet.
traceId() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.ImmutableTrace
Get the trace id of this trace.
Tracelet(String, List<Trace.TraceletProperty>) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.Tracelet
TraceletProperty(String, Object) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Trace.TraceletProperty
TraceSearcher - Interface in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Allows searching for traces within the scope of the process function.
TraceSearcher.SearchScope - Enum in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Scope options for scoping a search to an image or project level.
transformer(List<TransformerLabel>) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
TransformerArgument - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
An argument or return value that can be passed to or returned from a Transformer.
TransformerArgument(Object) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TransformerArgument
Takes an Object and validates if it is of an acceptable transformer argument or return type.
TransformerLabel - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
Description of a transform method of a plugin.
TransformerLabel(String, Map<String, String>, String) - Constructor for class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TransformerLabel
Plain constructor that constructs a TransformerLabel.
transformers() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get a list of possible transform methods this plugin provides.
types() - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.ImmutableTrace
Get all the types of this trace.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MaturityLevel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TraceSearcher.SearchScope
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.MaturityLevel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.TraceSearcher.SearchScope
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.Vector
Returns the values of the Vector as an array of floats.
Vector - Class in org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api
An opaque vector of floating point values.


webpageUrl() - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo
Get the url of this plugin, could point to git repo or webpage that explains the plugin.
webpageUrl(String) - Method in class org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.PluginInfo.Builder
Set the url to a webpage that belongs to this plugin.
writeTo(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.hansken.plugin.extraction.api.DataWriter
Write data to given OutputStream.
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