Class TransformerLabel


public class TransformerLabel extends Object
Description of a transform method of a plugin. The transform method is a method, specified by method name, of a Transformer capable plugin that transforms input to output of a specified type (returnType)
  • Constructor Details

    • TransformerLabel

      public TransformerLabel(String methodName, Map<String,String> parameters, String returnType)
      Plain constructor that constructs a TransformerLabel.
      methodName - The method name of the Transformer.
      parameters - The parameters of the Transformer as a name, type mapping. Currently only str is supported.
      returnType - The return type of the Transformer method. Currently only vector is supported.
  • Method Details

    • getMethodName

      public String getMethodName()
      Retrieves the method name of the transformer.
      The method name of the transformer.
    • getParameters

      public Map<String,String> getParameters()
      Retrieves the parameters of the transformer method as a name, type mapping.
      The parameters of the transformer method.
    • getReturnType

      public String getReturnType()
      Retrieves the return type of the transformer method. Currently only vector is supported.
      The return type of the transformer method.