Class ArgChecks


public final class ArgChecks extends Object
A collection of methods for defensively checking arguments passed to methods.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static Object[]
    argNotAllNull(String name, Object... values)
    Check that not all values with given name are null, otherwise throw an exception.
    static String
    argNotEmpty(String name, String value)
    Check that the string with given name is not null or empty, otherwise throw an exception.
    static <T> Collection<T>
    argNotEmpty(String name, Collection<T> value)
    Check that the collection value with given name is not empty, otherwise throw an exception.
    static <T> T[]
    argNotEmpty(String name, T[] value)
    Check that the array value with given name is not empty, otherwise throw an exception.
    static float
    argNotNegative(String name, float value)
    Check that the float with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception.
    static int
    argNotNegative(String name, int value)
    Check that the int with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception.
    static long
    argNotNegative(String name, long value)
    Check that the long with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception.
    static <T> T
    argNotNull(String name, T value)
    Check that the value with given name is not null, otherwise throw an exception.
    static <T> List<T>
    argsIsType(String name, List<T> value, Class<?> type)
    Check that the value with given name is of type type, otherwise throw an exception.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Method Details

    • argNotNull

      public static <T> T argNotNull(String name, T value)
      Check that the value with given name is not null, otherwise throw an exception.

      Example usage:

           private final Author author;
           public Book(final Author author) {
                // this throws a NullPointerException when the author is null
       = argNotNull("author", author);
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value
      name - a descriptive name for the value (most likely the argument name)
      value - the value itself
      the value, so it can be used to inline in an assignment
      NullPointerException - if value == null
    • argsIsType

      public static <T> List<T> argsIsType(String name, List<T> value, Class<?> type)
      Check that the value with given name is of type type, otherwise throw an exception.

      Example usage:

           public Book(final List<Object> authors) {
                // this throws a ClassCastException when authors contains a type other than Author.class
                argsIsType("author", authors, Author.class);
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value
      name - a descriptive name for the value (most likely the argument name)
      value - the value itself
      type - the class type we want to check against value
      the value, so it can be used to inline in an assignment
      ClassCastException - if value.allMatch(type::isInstance) is false
    • argNotAllNull

      public static Object[] argNotAllNull(String name, Object... values)
      Check that not all values with given name are null, otherwise throw an exception.

      Example usage:

           private final Author author;
           public Book(final Author... authors) {
                // this throws a NullPointerException when the author is null
       = argNotAllNull("authors", authors);
      name - a descriptive name for the values (most likely the argument name)
      values - the values, which can be different types
      the values, so it can be used to inline in an assignment
      NullPointerException - if values.allMatch(Objects::isNull)
    • argNotEmpty

      public static <T> T[] argNotEmpty(String name, T[] value)
      Check that the array value with given name is not empty, otherwise throw an exception.

      Example usage:

           private final Author[] author;
           public Book(final Author[] author) {
                // this throws a NullPointerException when the author array is empty
       = argNotEmpty("author", author);
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value
      name - a descriptive name for the value (most likely the argument name)
      value - the value itself
      the value, so it can be used to inline in an assignment
      IllegalArgumentException - if value == null || value.length == 0
    • argNotEmpty

      public static <T> Collection<T> argNotEmpty(String name, Collection<T> value)
      Check that the collection value with given name is not empty, otherwise throw an exception.

      Example usage:

           private final Collection<Author> author;
           public Book(final Collection<Author> author) {
                // this throws a NullPointerException when the author collection is empty
       = argNotEmpty("author", author);
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value
      name - a descriptive name for the value (most likely the argument name)
      value - the value itself
      the value, so it can be used to inline in an assignment
      IllegalArgumentException - if value == null || value.isEmpty()
    • argNotEmpty

      public static String argNotEmpty(String name, String value)
      Check that the string with given name is not null or empty, otherwise throw an exception.

      Example usage:

           private final String title;
           public Book(final String title) {
                // this throws a NullPointerException when the author is null
                // or an IllegalArgumentException when author is an empty String
                this.title = argNotEmpty("title", title);
      name - a descriptive name for the string (most likely the argument name)
      value - the string itself
      the string, so it can be used to inline in an assignment
      NullPointerException - if value == null
      IllegalArgumentException - if value.isEmpty()
    • argNotNegative

      public static int argNotNegative(String name, int value)
      Check that the int with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception. Example usage:
           private final int pageCount;
           public Book(final int pageCount) {
                // this throws an IllegalArgumentException when pageCount is negative
                this.pageCount = argNotNegative("pageCount", pageCount);
      name - a descriptive name for the int (most likely the argument name)
      value - the int itself
      the int, so it can be used in an inline assignment
      IllegalArgumentException - if value < 0
    • argNotNegative

      public static long argNotNegative(String name, long value)
      Check that the long with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception. Example usage:
           private final long pageCount;
           public Book(final long pageCount) {
                // this throws an IllegalArgumentException when pageCount is negative
                this.pageCount = argNotNegative("pageCount", pageCount);
      name - a descriptive name for the long (most likely the argument name)
      value - the long itself
      the long, so it can be used in an inline assignment
      IllegalArgumentException - if value < 0
    • argNotNegative

      public static float argNotNegative(String name, float value)
      Check that the float with given name is not negative, otherwise throw an exception. Example usage:
           private final float pageCount;
           public Book(final float pageCount) {
                // this throws an IllegalArgumentException when pageCount is negative
                this.pageCount = argNotNegative("pageCount", pageCount);
      name - a descriptive name for the float (most likely the argument name)
      value - the float itself
      the float, so it can be used in an inline assignment
      IllegalArgumentException - if value < 0