All Classes and Interfaces

A collection of methods for defensively checking arguments passed to methods.
An author of a certain extraction plugin.
A builder for an author.
This the base class for types of Extraction Plugins, and cannot be used solely as a superclass for a plugin.
A BatchSearchResult is a SearchResult implementation that stores all found traces using a single setTraces call.
The data context contains information about a data stream of a trace that is currently being processed by an ExtractionPlugin or DeferredExtractionPlugin.
A DataRange describes a range of bytes with an offset and length.
A data transformation that the Extraction Plugin can write to a Trace using Trace.setData(String, DataTransformation...).
Writes data to an OutputStream.
Deferred extraction plugins can be used by Hansken to process traces during the extraction process.
Extraction plugins can be used by Hansken to process traces during the extraction process.
A trace contains information about processed data.
A geographical location consisting of a latitude and a longitude.
Indicates what stage of maturity a certain extraction plugin is in.
Meta extraction plugins can be used by Hansken to process traces during the extraction process.
Identifier of a plugin, consisting of domain, category and name.
Information about an extraction plugin, such as the author or a human-readable description.
A builder for plugin information.
PluginResources contains information about how many resources will be used for a plugin.
Builder for PluginResources.
The type of plugin, which describes its function.
A random access readable byte sequence.
A RangedDataTransformation describes a data transformation consisting of a list of DataRanges.
Builder for creating RangedDataTransformation using a syntax that is sometimes shorter than using constructors.
A SearchResult represents the result of a, int).
A trace contains information about processed data.
Represents an operation that accepts a single input argument and returns no result.
A trace contains information about processed data.
a Tracelet represents tracedata that can be present multiple times within a trace.
a TraceletProperty is a property of a Tracelet.
Allows searching for traces within the scope of the process function.
Scope options for scoping a search to an image or project level.
An argument or return value that can be passed to or returned from a Transformer.
Description of a transform method of a plugin.
An opaque vector of floating point values.