Test framework

The SDK provides the FLITS Test Framework for integration testing. This allows us to test/validate the plugin input and output without having a running Hansken instance.

To use the test framework, three components are required:

  1. A running server instance of an extraction plugin. See section How to test your plugin.

  2. Input test data

  3. Results (expected output)

Creating test data

The test data is independent of which programming language is used for the plugin (Java or Python). This section describes the setup of the test data, while the sections thereafter will link to the language specific documentation.

Basic test data directory structure

Example test data directory structure with an inputs and results directory:

├── inputs
│   ├── example1.raw
│   ├── example1.text
│   ├── example1.trace
│   ├── example2.raw
│   └── example2.trace
└── results
    ├── example1.raw.PluginName.trace
    ├── example1.text.PluginName.trace
    └── example2.raw.PluginName.trace

The inputs folder contains all traces that will be processed during the test. These ‘input traces’ are defined in files with the ‘.trace’ extension, using JSON. This JSON structure is explained in section Trace format. Each trace may have various data-streams. The data for each trace is put into separate files for each data-stream. The data-stream files need to have the same name as their corresponding trace file but differ in extension. They can have any extension, for example ‘raw’, ‘text’ or ‘jpeg’. Note that one input trace will always have one ‘.trace’ file, and can have none, one or many data files. Also note that if the plugin doesn’t match on any of the input files and there are no result files yet, the test will succeed.


The test-framework uses the extension of the input test file(s) _(other than __.trace__)_ as type of the current data-stream.

The expected results (which are also traces) are stored in a separate results folder next to the inputs folder. The file names in the results folder correspond to the file names in the inputs folder. Note that the name of the plugin is added between the file basename and the file extension. This can be useful if one maintains a single test input and output test datasets for multiple extraction plugins.


It is possible to let the test framework regenerate the results files automatically. See the Java and Python sections on testing on how to do this. If no files are being generated, check if the plugin matcher is actually matching the input files.

The test runner will invoke the extraction plugin for each input trace. The test runner collects the plugin output and compares it against the trace defined in the results folder. If there is a mismatch, the test runner will fail with an exit code 1. If all tests pass the test runner will finish with exit code 0.

Given the files in the example above, the test runner will invoke the extraction plugin three times:



example1.trace with data stream example1.raw


example1.trace with data stream example1.text


example2.trace with data stream example2.text


Test data structure for deferred extraction plugins

Deferred extration plugins have the unique ability to search traces with a query. The input test data should be extended to contain the results of searches done by deferred extraction plugins. These search traces are stored in separate folders that follow the naming format ‘{deferred trace name}/searchtraces/’. Below is an example test data directory structure for a deferred extraction plugin that searches for a deferredExampleSearch.trace:

├── inputs
│   ├── deferredExample.trace
│   ├── deferredExample.raw
│   ├── deferredExample/
│   │   ├── searchtraces/
│   │   │   ├── deferredExampleSearch.trace
└── results
    └── deferredExample.raw.DeferredPluginName.trace


The plugin will try to match on all traces in the input folder, including traces used for search results ( of deferred extraction plugins). This means that it is impossible to search on traces that match the same deferred extraction plugin, as it would create an infinite loop.

Given the files in the example above, the test runner will invoke the extraction plugin one time:



deferredExample.trace with data stream deferredExample.raw



The search query should be written in HQL, as that is how Hansken will interpret it. However, the test framework interprets the query using its HQL-lite interpreter. Therefore, not all queries will be supported.

Trace format

Input and result traces both stored in a JSON structure. There is however a slight difference between the two: The result trace may store additional values that are purely there for testing purposes. The input format will first be discussed, followed by the result format.

Input trace JSON format

Input traces start with a trace key, which contains a mapping of properties. The property names are split in a dictionary structure. The example below shows a serialized trace with six properties: data.raw.mimeClass and the five data types that are currently supported by the test-framework.

The data key defines the data-streams of the trace. When adding a data-stream make sure you also add the corresponding input data file, as described above.

  "trace": {
    "data": {
      "raw": {
        "mimeClass": "text"
    "supported data types": {
      "Boolean": true,
      "Integer": 1,
      "Double": 0.1,
      "String": "a string",
      "StringList": [


The extraction plugin SDK and the test framework have no knowledge of the trace model. This means that when properties are used that don’t comply with the trace model, this will not cause the test to fail, but it will fail when running your plugin in Hansken.

Result trace JSON format

The result traces have the same format as the input traces, namely a trace key which contains the full input trace with all its properties. However, the result traces may have two additional keys children and data (which are explained in-depth below). These are added for testing purposes. If the plugin adds child traces or writes data transformations to Hansken, this would normally not reflect on the JSON of the trace. However, the test framework adds these to the result JSON structure to be able to test them.

Consequently, result traces are stored in a JSON structure that may consist of up to three parts, namely the always present trace and the occasional children and data:

  • trace: The key trace contains a mapping of its properties, in exactly the same way as is done for input traces.

  • children: :ref:Child traces <child traces> that have been created by the plugin during the test are stored under a reserved field children, which is a list of traces. The example trace below contains a child trace with a property name.

  • data: Data transformations that have been created by the plugin during the test are stored under a reserved field data. For each data-stream type there is a descriptor field describing the data transformation in a JSON format. The example trace has a ranged data transformation for the raw data-stream. Note that this data is entirely different from the data key that may be present inside the trace!

  "trace": {
    "data": {
      "raw": {
        "mimeClass": "text"
    "supported data types": {
      "Boolean": true,
      "Integer": 1,
      "Double": 0.1,
      "String": "a string",
      "List": [
  "children": [
      "trace": {
        "name": "child trace 1"
  "data": {
    "raw": {
      "descriptor": "[{\"ranges\":[{\"length\":79,\"offset\":0}]}]"

Testing exceptions

Some scenarios may throw exceptions and this can be part of your tests too. For example, an input file that has the wrong format can be part of your integration tests. When an exception occurs during the test, it will be written to the result file. This can be deliberately used to test exceptions. However, it is often impractical to match against a full exception. For example, the row numbers in the exception are very much prone to change due to circumstances irrelevant to the case being tested. Therefore, the testframework provides some options to match only on those parts of result files that are relevant to the test.

The following sections will explain these partial result matchers using the following example exception:

  "class": "org.hansken.plugin.extraction.runtime.grpc.client.ExtractionPluginException",
  "message": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris faucibus varius sodales."

Leaving out the message

It is possible to leave of the message of the exception, which will still result in a valid result:

  "class": "org.hansken.plugin.extraction.runtime.grpc.client.ExtractionPluginException"

The startsWith partial result matcher

The startsWith partial result matcher requires a string as a parameter. The result will be valid if the actual result starts with this string.

  "class": "org.hansken.plugin.extraction.runtime.grpc.client.ExtractionPluginException",
  "message.startsWith": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, "

The containsInOrder partial result matcher

The containsInOrder partial result matcher requires a list of strings as a parameter. The result will be valid if every string in the list can be found in that same order in the actual result.

  "class": "org.hansken.plugin.extraction.runtime.grpc.client.ExtractionPluginException",
  "message.containsInOrder": [
    "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,",
    "consectetur adipiscing elit.",
    "Mauris faucibus varius sodales."

How to test your plugin

Running an integration test for an extraction plugin depends on the language in which the extraction plugin is built.


The Test Framework itself is built in Java. When building extraction plugins with Java, it can be incorporated in your unit tests, as shown in Using the Test Framework in Java.


The Python SDK also uses the Java based Test Framework. This is done by providing a wrapper to make calls to an included Test Framework ‘jar’ file. See Advanced use of the Test Framework in Python for documentation and examples on how to use FLITS for testing your Python plugin.