Hansken Extraction Plugins

Hansken Extraction Plugins enable Hansken users to add their own extraction tools to Hansken.

To use an Extraction Plugin in Hansken, the following steps have to be done:

  1. Build the plugin

  2. Upload the plugin to Hansken

  3. Refresh the Hansken tools list

  4. Start an extraction with the plugin enabled

Building a plugin

Hansken Extraction Plugins can be built in Java or Python by implementing an interface. Which interface you choose depends on the type of plugin you choose to make, see Plugin Types. For more information on coding your own plugin, see the Extraction Plugin Examples.

The plugin can then be tested using the Test Framework. This way you make sure everything works as expected before taking further steps.

Package the plugin

To upload a plugin into Hansken, a docker image for this plugin must be uploaded to the docker registry. First, the plugin container image must be packaged. A plugin is packaged into an OCI image (also known as Docker image).

Upload the plugin to Hansken

Hansken finds the plugins by scanning a docker registry. It will try to load all docker images with a certain prefix as Extraction Plugins. The settings for this are defined in Hansken properties:

  • registry.extraction.plugins.registry.uri defines the registry

  • registry.extraction.plugins.registry.prefix defines the prefix plugins must have

When the image is packaged locally, it needs to be pushed (uploaded) to the docker registry. These commands provide an outline of how to do this:

  • docker login <docker-registry> (make sure you are logged in to the registry)

  • docker push <docker-registry><prefix><pluginname> (push the plugin docker image to the registry)


For more information about uploading plugins and running them in Hansken, see the ‘Using extraction plugins in Hansken’ chapter of the Hansken User Guide.

Refresh the Hansken tools list

Hansken checks which plugins are available at startup. The list of available plugins can also be refreshed by calling the following endpoint: <hansken-domain>/gatekeeper/tools?refresh=true

This can be invoked via an internet browser.

Start an extraction with the plugin enabled

If everything went well, the list of available tools in Hansken should now feature your plugin. To run the plugin in an extraction, be sure to select its checkbox in the extraction tools dialog.