Extraction Plugin specifications
If you use the Java or Python extraction plugin SDK, you don’t have to worry about these specifications. The Java and Python SDKs makes sure your plugin is compiled and packaged conform to the extraction plugin specifications.
This page describes the specifications that define an extraction plugin. The spec contains two major parts: a plugin protocol, and the plugin packaging method.
This specification applies to plugins that are not embedded within Hansken, but to plugins that developed and distributed outside the scope of the Hansken platform development.
Plugin protocol
An extraction plugin is a process that implements a GRPC
service ExtractionPluginService
. The service defines a protocol that is
used to allow communication between Hansken and an extraction plugin. The
GRPC and protocol definitions can be found in the extraction plugin source
code, under the folder grpc
The source code of the Extraction Plugin is currently not available outside the scope of the Hansken core development teams. If you are interested in the GRPC definitions, please Contact the Hansken development team.
An extraction plugin is packaged as a container image – conform the open container initiative image spec. An extraction plugin can be
of the container image should be a process that starts a GRPC
server that implements the plugin protocol. The GRPC protocol should run on
port 8999
The container image should be labeled with the plugin info. The plugin info returned by the plugin plugin-info call and container labels are required to match. If not, Hansken will not accept your plugin during extractions - as it is unsure if the intended plugin is processing traces.
The labels that are expected are:
(conform Plugin naming convention)org.hansken.plugin-version
(optional, only has a meaning for deferred extraction plugins)org.hansken.plugin-matcher
(see HQL-Lite)org.hansken.plugin-license
(in milicpu, optional)org.hansken.plugin-resource-max_mem
(in mbs, optional)org.hansken.plugin-transformers
(the signatures of the transformer methods as JSON). The transformers field contains a JSON array and is structured as follows:[ {"method_name": "test_func", "parameters": {"arg_1": "str", "arg_2": "str"}, "return_type": "vector"} ]