Using Transformers for on-demand execution
What are Transformers?
Transformers are methods inside a plugin that can be called remotely at any moment. This allows for live plugin execution independent of extraction. Examples on how transformers could be used:
For searching images using text (i.e. a purple car).
For translating text in traces so that an investigator can read the text in their preferred language in a UI.
For converting speech to text.
How do Transformers work in Hansken?
Transformers can be implemented in extraction plugins. Using the Hansken REST API, calls can be made to a specific plugin’s transformer by specifying the transformer one wishes to call as well as its arguments. Hansken can automatically discover transformers before plugins are actually started. Once it has received a request for invoking a transformer it can choose to start the plugin’s Docker container if it is not already started and send the request once it is up and running.
Developing Transformers
This section assumes you use the same setup as is used in the Extraction Plugin Examples.
A transformer can be easily defined by using the transformer decorator. By creating a method inside your plugin and decorating it with the transformer decorator it will automatically be made available to be remotely called.
from hansken_extraction_plugin.api.extraction_plugin import ExtractionPlugin
from hansken_extraction_plugin.decorators.transformer import transformer
class Plugin(ExtractionPlugin):
def plugin_info(self):
def process(self, trace, data_context):
def translate_text(self, text: str, language: str) -> str:
# To implement: Translate the text here.
return "Translated text"
Limitations on Transformers
However, there are some limitations on which methods can be turned into a decorator method:
Transformers may only be defined on methods of a class that derives (indirectly) from BaseExtractionPlugin.
Note: ExtractionPlugin derives from BaseExtractionPlugin and is therefore allowed.
Transformer may not be static methods.
All parameters and the return type must be annotated with type hints (except the
parameter).Parameters may not be positional-only or contain variable parameters like
.Parameters and return types may only be of the following:
Upon starting a plugin every method decorated with the transformer decorator will be automatically validated to see if they adhere to these requirements. An exception will be thrown when a method does not adhere to all of these requirements.
Error handling in Transformers
If at some point a transformer wishes to signal to the caller of the transformer that something has gone wrong it can simply throw a suitable exception. Any exceptions being thrown will automatically be propagated to the client calling the transformer by wrapping the exception in a gRPC exception. The stack trace will be provided as well for debugging purposes.
Testing transformers
For more information on testing transformers, see the ‘Testing Transformers’ section on the page on testing plugins.
Calling Transformers
TODO HANSKEN-21414: This should be implemented once we decide on how we design the REST API.