# Packaging Extraction plugins are packaged as OCI images (also known as Docker images). The OCI images are labeled with the PluginInfo. To automate packaging of a Java plugin and labeling the OCI image, the Extraction Plugin SuperPom has been configured to automate this for you. If your project uses the Extraction Plugin SuperPom (see [Prerequisites](prerequisites.md)), Packaging an extraction plugin is handled by Maven. To package your plugin into a container image, the following command can be used: ```bash mvn package docker:build ``` This will generate a plugin image: * The extraction plugin is added to your local image registry (`docker images`), * The image name is `extraction-plugin/PLUGINID`, e.g. `extraction-plugin/nfi.nl/extract/chat/whatsapp`, * The image is labeled with two tags: `latest`, and your plugin version. It is possible to apply extra arguments to the docker command [as described here](http://dmp.fabric8.io/#docker:build). For example, to specify a proxy, use the following command: ```bash mvn package docker:build -Ddocker.buildArg.https_proxy=https://proxy:8001 ``` Once your plugin is packaged, it can be published or 'uploaded' to Hansken. See ":ref:`upload_plugin`" for instructions. .. _java_superpom_podman: Note: if your build environment does not have Docker available, you can use [podman](https://podman.io/) as an alternative. Install podman on your machine or build agent, and run the following commands _before_ invoking the `mvn package docker:build` command: ```bash podman system service --time=0 unix:/run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock & export DOCKER_HOST="unix:/run/user/$(id -u)/podman/podman.sock" ```